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Xavierian Summer Retreat
Xavierian Summer Retreat
Xavierian Summer Retreat
Xavierian Summer Retreat

Xavierian Summer Retreat

St. Xavier's High School, Ghaziabad is organizing the summer camp for our enthusiastic Xaverians, which started with bang-on energy in Zumba sessions for kids and mothers under the supervision of trained professionals. Students got an opportunity to learn and develop skills like chess, glass painting, music, pottery making, and Gatka, a traditional Indian martial art. Children were given the platform to express their creativity in the form of art and pottery. They enjoyed the day by learning and experiencing the best of the programme and are very exhilarated for the coming days.

Exploring the world of creativity @Xavsummercamp2023


    A man can be as great as he wants to be
    A man can be as great as he wants to be

    “ A man can be as great as he wants to be ."

    If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.

    Our esteemed Director, Mr. Mohit Sachdeva, addressed Grades X and XI Xavierians. First, he congratulated the assiduous Xavierians on their excellent Board examination results, followed by giving them advice for their future efforts to ensure a successful journey. He provided the students with a success roadmap and great time management skills. He put a lot of emphasis on minimising distractions and warning students against engaging in unproductive behaviours. He shared his personal experiences to give an eye-opening lesson on how to distinguish between genuine and phoney friendships. He exhorted students to maintain their enthusiasm, positivity, and focus. Students felt highly motivated after the session. The clarity of vision and goals was reflected in the students' thoughts.


      Investiture Ceremony 2023-24
      Investiture Ceremony 2023-24
      Investiture Ceremony 2023-24
      Investiture Ceremony 2023-24
      Investiture Ceremony 2023-24

      Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality

      On May 20, 2023, St. Xavier's High School hosted the most prestigious Investiture Ceremony, which marked the formation of the new student council. Taking on our school's vision of instilling the virtue of commitment and responsibility in students and grooming them to be future leaders, the elected members of the student council received their badges from the Principal, Mrs Sudha Murugkar. The proud parents' happiness knew no bounds when badges & sashes were conferred on the newly elected Students' Council. The members then took the oath to hold their position with diligence.


        Mother's Day
        Mother`s Day Celebration
        Mother`s Day Celebration
        Mother`s Day Celebration
        Mother`s Day Celebration
        Mother`s Day Celebration

        "The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom ”-

        From tying your shoelaces for the first time as you brace yourself for the very first day of school to crying with you as you land your very first job--mothers are simply irreplaceable. We can all agree to the fact that a house becomes home with her presence as it lights up with her waves of laughter and basks in the warmth of her love.
        Keeping this bonding emotion in mind, St. Xavier's High School had a special celebration on Mother's Day. Teachers made an earnest effort to instill the importance of mother in a child's life through Puppet doll making, Hand Painting jars, and Pot Making. Cherry on the top
        The tiny tots came up with new and innovative ideas for their cards, jewelry boxes, etc. The outcome of their efforts was marvelous.


          Secondary School Examinations - 2023
          Class 10 Board Result 2023
          Class 10 Board Result 2023

          Assiduous Xavierians nailed the board examination with a 100% result.

          St. Xavier's rose to the pinnacles of academic excellence with the declaration of the CBSE Class X first board examination's 100% result in 2022–23. This excellent result is a befitting reward for the synergic efforts of the diligent students, dedicated school faculty, and ever-supportive parents.

          The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it".

          We are so proud of you Xavierians!!

          Shine bright! Soar high!


            Student Council Elections 2023
            Campaigning for votes
            Campaigning for votes
            Campaigning for votes
            Campaigning for votes
            Campaigning for votes
            Campaigning for votes
            Campaigning for votes

            " A true leader is someone who not only knows the path but also walks it and guides others along the way. "

            Students at St. Xavier's High School learn to exemplify such leadership through experience. Nominees for the upcoming student council elections outlined their portfolios and campaigned. The competition is tough, and the anticipation is high. A strong spirit of healthy competitiveness is reflected in Xavier's.
